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ÇظéÁ´¸Æµµ ¿ÜÃøº®ÀÇ ¹Ì¼¼ÇغΠMicroanatomy of Lateral Wall of the Cavernous Sinus

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 22±Ç 7È£ p.845 ~ 852
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In the microsurgical dissection of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. Interrelationships of its nerves have been studied in 100 Korean adult half heads. And in the serial coronal section of the cavernous sinus in 10 half heads. The
the lateral wall have been studied.
The relationships of the nerves of the lateral wall were classified to five types according to the course of the trochlear nerve. Each length of the Parkinson's triangle and the angle between trochlar and ophthalmic nerves were measured. These
compared with those of the other races.
The lateral wall of the sinus was composed of two layers. The orientation of the fibers of the deep layer was variable in regions. The oculomotor nerve was enveloped with sheath extended from dura mater and it was connected with deep layer of the
lateral wall. The trochlear nerve was enveloped with sheath formed by division of innermost part of the deep layer. The ver ous sinus was lound between the two layers of the lateral wall.
The neurosurgical significance of the lateral wall of the sinus was discussed.


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