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Actazolamide¿Í FluphenazineÀÇ ³úô¼ö¾× »ý¼º¿¡ ´ëÇÑ È¿°ú The Effects of Acetazolamide and Fluphenazin on CSF Formation

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 22±Ç 10È£ p.1057 ~ 1063
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acetazolamide and fluphenazine on the formation of CSF. Studies were performed in 12 cats those were divided into 2 groups ; A-F group included animals received initial acetazolamide
and additional infusion of fluphenazine to the initial infusion and the F-A group for vice versa.
The rate of CSF formation was measured at 3cm above zero ouflow pressure by force transducer which connected to personal computer. After obtaining steady value of CSF formation rate. 18.87¡¾6.52¥ìl/min. is reduced to 6.67¡¾2.45¥ìl/min after
acetazolamide infusion and further reduced to 3.48¡¾4.06¥ìl/min after additional fluphenazine. In fluphenazine group, the base line CSF formation rate. 16.34¡¾4.58¥ìl/min is reduced to 9.63¡¾4.58¥ìl/min after initial infusion of fluphenazine and
to 6.45¡¾3.64¥ìl/min. after additional infusion of acetazolemide. Mean reduction of CSF formation after initial intravenous infusion of acetazolamide and fluphenazine were 59% and 37% respectively. Although statistically insignificant, the CSF
reduction in A-F group revealed more even and profound value comparing with that of F-A group. These date suggest that in addition ot the effect of acetazolamide to reduce the formation of CSF, some other mechanism may exist in CSF formation that
tranquilizer exert the effect on CSF formation.


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