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º¹°­ °æÀ¯ Àü¹æ Á¢±Ù¼ú·Î Ä¡À¯ÇÑ ¿äõÃߺÎÀÇ °áÇÙ¼º ôÃß¿° 1·Ê Transabdominal Midline Approach for the Management of Tuberculous Spondylitis in Lumbosacral Area

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 22±Ç 10È£ p.1119 ~ 1123
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Bone and joint involvement develops in approximately 10 percent of patients with tuberculosis and half of these affected patients have tuberculosis of the spine. In the treatment of tuberculous spondylitis evacuation of the contents of the
Including the bone sequestra and the sequestrated intervertebral discs. combined with removal of all avascular bone and anterior fusion with a strut graft has widely applied since Hodgson and Stock published their successful results in 1960.
approaches to the vertebral bodies at different levels. Either anterior, anterolateral or modified approach. Have been described in order to improve the exposure. The upper lumbar vertebral lesion is well exposed by the lateral or anterolateral
approaches. But exposure of the lumbosacral lesion is limited because of iliac bone and other surrounding vital organs. We describe a surgical approach to lumbosacral spine which allows an adequate exposure of the vertebral bodies from L4 to S1.
transabodminal midline approach seems to be useful method for the lumbosacral vertebral body lesion. Allows adequate exposure and easy reconstruction.


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