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´ë°ø ¹× µÎ°æºÎ°æ°è ºÎÀ§ Á¾¾ç¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¼ö¼úÀû Á¢±Ù¹ý Surgical Approaches for Tumors Around Foramen Magnum and Craniocervical Junction

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 22±Ç 11È£ p.1220 ~ 1227
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The authors treated 26 cases of extramedullary tumors around foramen magnum and crainiocervical junction by various surgical approaches between 1982 and February 1993. They are 12 meningiomas, 9 neurinomas, 3 chordomas, 1 teratoma and 1 capillary
Among them, 7 cases are located at anterior portion of foramen magnum, 6 cases at anterolateral portion, 2 cases at lateral portion, 7 cases at posterolateral portion, and 4 cases are posteriorly located. These tumors were attacked via various
approaches. 19 cases were treated by conventional suboccipital approach, 5 cases by far lateral suboccipital approach and 2 cases of chordoma by transoral approach which was combined with far lateral suboccipital approach. So, 19 cases of tumors
removed completely, but 7 cases were subtotally removed.
There was 1 case of operative mortality and in 2 cases of meningioma there was permanent lower cranial nerve palsy. Pyogenic meningitis due to CSF leakage developed in 2 cases of chordoma which were treated by transoral approach.


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