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¼ö¸·Á¾ÀÇ ¿¡½ºÆ®·ÎÁ¨ ¹× ÇÁ·ÎÁ¦½ºÅ×·Ð ¼ö¿äü¿Í ¼¼Æ÷Áß½ÄÁõ Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors and Cell Proliferative Activities in Meningiomas

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 2È£ p.215 ~ 226
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It has been suggested that hormonal manipulation may be proved to be an alternative mode of therapy, especially in cases of unresectable or recurrent meningromas, and the effect of the endocrinological therapy may be influenced by the presence or
absence of hormone receptors in meningiomas. The assessment of biological behavior of the tumors is important to plan postoperative adjuvant therapy and follow-up schedules, and the evaluation of cell proliferative activities has been known to be
valuable in prediction of recurrence and aggressiveness of meningiomas.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of hormone receptors and cell proliferative activities, and to determine the relationship between nucleolar organizer regions(AgNORs) and flow-cytometric methods in evaluating cell kinetics
Cytosolic estrogen receptors(ER) and progesterone receptors(PR) were studied in meningiomas removed from 43 patients. Cell proliferative index(PI) based on tumor cell-cycle stage (%S+%G2M) was calculated by flow-cytometric studies of
meningioma tissue blocks, and the mean number of AgNORs per cell was measured by silver-colloid staining techniques. Evaluable results of hormone receptors, PI, and AgNORs could be obtained in 40, 37, and 41 of original meningiomas, respectively.
Significant levels of ER(ER+) were found in 27.5% of the patients, while significant PR levels(TR+) were detected in 40%. PR+ were found in 14(40%) of 35 benign meningiomas but in all of the one atypical and one malignant meningioma. It appeared
the tumors with the anaplastic histological features of necrosis or brain infiltration had higher incidence of PR+ than the tumors without them, and the higher the cell proliferative activities, the higher the incidence of PR+.
PI of two atypical and one malignant meningiomas were rather higher but the number of AgNORs of them were significantly higher than those of thirty benign meningiomas(p<0.05). The tumors with the histological feature of mitotic figures had higher
proliferative activities than those without mitotic figures(p<0.05). Thirty-three percent of the benign meningiomas had the PI value higher than 30%, and about twelve percent of the benign meningiomas had the AgNORs greater than 2.5 per cell. A
correlation was demonstrated between PI and the number of AgNORs(r=0.71, p<0.001).
These results suggest that antiprogesterone therapy may be of use in treatment of highly proliferative or aggressive meningiomas, and the number of AgNORs showing correlation with PI may reflect the cell kinetics well and be of value in
recurrence of meningiomas and in planning postoperative adjuvant therapy.


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