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½Åü°¨Á¤°ú Àå¾ÖÆò°¡ Asssessment of Physical Impairment and Disability Evaluation

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 3È£ p.276 ~ 282
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The assessment of physical impairment and disability evaluation must be precise and equitable to minimize a disadvantage on both claimer and obligator that may result from the unreasonable medical judgement. However, present systems are
to be
out of date, vague and inequitable to assess physical impairment and disability. A new guide for assessment of physical impairment and disability evaluation is required.
As a guide for assessment of physical impairment, the American Medical Association's Guide can be used as a model and as a method of the disability evaluation. The Occupational Grading of Disability to Impairment Variants which is suggested by
Labor Ministry can be used. As a supplmentary guide for disability evaluation, an adaptability index is proposed. The disability may be affected with the personal adaptability and care for the daily life, which may be improved by several personal
factors, as age, occupation, life style, level of education. IQ, and a will for social adaptation, The adaptability index is suggested as a guide for a reasonable evaluation of the disability to be correlated to several factors during the life,
may be necessary for calcluation of disable duration and correction of the cared duration, The final degree of a disability must be assessed as summation to be correlated to several factors which may be affected to physical disability.


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