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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 4È£ p.408 ~ 412
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Since 1980, 18 patients(12 males, 6 females) with intractable perineal and perianal pain caused by uncontrolled malignant neoplastic disease, were surgically treated with sacral rhizotomy. Patients ranged in age from 33 to 74 years; the duration
symptoms ranged from 2 months to 17 months. The primary site of the malignancies were as follows : prostate cancer(3 cases), cervix cancer(5), colorectal cancer(10). All patients underwent preoperative psychological test, drug assessment,
cystometry and
trial block, The present criteria for selection were : 1) All patients should have uncontrolled malignant disease with metastasis. 2) The pain should be limited to the perineal or the perianal region 3) The pain should be severe and refractory to
medical and psychological management. 4) The pain should be of at least 3 months. 5) Estimated life expectancy should be at least 3 months. 6) All patients should have had a previous colostomy. 7) The operative modification should be made
the urinary disturbance, If there is no voluntary urination, the operation should include both S2 roots; but, if the bladder is still functioning normally, the S2 root should be preserved on the least painful side.
Postoperative results of pain control were no pain in 14 patients(78%), good in three(16%), and poor in one(6%). After reviewing the results, the authors believe that if the patients are selected properly, according to the criteria outlined,
rhizotomy is worthwhile, simple and relatively successful method of treating intractable perineal and perianal cancer pain.


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