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ôÃßÀüÀÌÁ¾¾çÀÇ ¿Ü°úÀûÄ¡·á Surgical Treatment of Spinal Metastases

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 4È£ p.429 ~ 433
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The author analysed the clinical findings, result of surgical treatments in a series of 37 patients with spinal metastatic tumors. And the auther also compared the results of conventional decompressive laminectomies with surgery of systematically
designed decompressions and spinal fusions. In this series, spinal metastases from the gastrointestinal tract and the liver were prominently frequent(27%) and the next were from the lung(18%). The throacic spine was the commonest site of
Postoperatively 25 cases(68%) were improved, 7 cases(19%) were of no change, and remaining 5 cases(13%) were aggravated.
Only one case of 30 spinal cord compression patients was ambulatory preoperatively, but 50%(15cases) were ambulatory after operations. Systematically designed decompression with stabilization yielded higher rate of ambulatory function(67%)
decompressive laminectomies(33%). These data suggest that systematic decompression with spinal stabilization can maintain or regain the ambulation in spinal metasteses compressing the spinal cord.


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