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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 5È£ p.571 ~ 579
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The mortality and morbidity of the intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) has been decreased since the introduction of external ventricular drainage (EVD) and direct intraventricular infusion of urokinase as an effective therapeutic method.
In 1989, we already reported a series of 54 cases of IVH treated with simple EVD or EVD with urokinase irrigation in a few cases. Authors analyzed again a series of 50 cases of IVH treated by EVD with direct intraventricular urokinase irrigation
the previous report. The mortality rate was 55.5% in former occasion, however 18% in this study and the complications were considerably low.
We experienced again that the EVD with urokinase irrigation is an effective method and convenient, simple technique in the management of IVH even though there is no ICP monitoring.
So we prefer EVD with urokinase irrigation therapy in managing the IVH even if the patient is moribund state.


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