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³­Ä¡¼º °£ÁúÀÇ ¼ö¼úÀü ħ½À¼º °Ë»ç Presurgical Invasive Study in Intractable Epilepsy

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 6È£ p.636 ~ 646
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Improved diagnostic tools, patient selections, and operative techniques have brought a resurgence of the surgical management of intractable epilepsy recently. And the most remarkable developments of epilepsy surgery are various kinds of intensive
presurgical evaluation. The aims of presurgical evaluations for intractable epilepsy are : 1) The diagnosis of exact types of epilepsy for appropriate medical treatment as well as for surgical intervention. 2) The exact localization of
region responsible for the patient's habitual seizures and testing for functional safety of the focal resection of epileptogenic region. Theoretically the presurgical evaluations can be classified as noninvasive and invasive studies. The
presurgical studies include various kinds of EEG investigations, neuroimaging, neuropsychological studies and other laboratory studies. The invasive presurgical evaluations include various kinds of intracranial electrode recording and functional
mapping. The authors analysed the invasive presurgical evaluations of Yonsei epilepsy program since Oct. 1989 and reviewed the literatures.


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