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°ñ¹Ý¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Ç÷°ü¿ÜÇÇÁ¾ÀÇ ³ú ÀüÀÌ A Rare Case of Cerebral Metastasis from Hemangiopericytoma in Pelvis

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 9È£ p.1074 ~ 1078
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it is well known that intracranial hemangiopericytoma commonly metastasizes elsewhere in the body, espacially bone and lung. However, brain metastasis of extracranial hemangiopericytoma is very rare.
The authors report a case of intracranial metastatic hemangiopericytoma from pelvis in a 41 year old woman. Neurologic symptoms developed 14 months after discovering the pelvic mass. After surgical excision, the clinical course was improve.


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