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³ú Á¤À§ÀåÄ¡¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ³ú ½ºÆĸ£°¡´®ÀÇ Á¦°Å Sterotactic Removal of Intracerebral Sparganum

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 9È£ p.1079 ~ 1083
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Intracerebral sparganosis, caused by the Plerocercoid of Spirometra mansoni, is very rare. A 54-year-old man, who has a history of having eaten raw frogs and snakes 20 years ago, was admitted with 2 years duration of focal seizure and monoparesis
right upper extremity. The brain CT scan and MRI demonstrated extensive and irregular hypodense lesion with punctate calcification in subcortical region of left parietal lobe. A whitish ribbon-like moving parasite could be picked up using CRW
stereotactic frame under local anesthesia. On pathological examination was disclosed a sparganum with characteristic calcospherule. Also, preoperative ELISA test for sparganum-specific antibody (IgG) showed positive reaction to sparganum
in serum and 0.61 in CSF, respectively (normal abs. : below 0.22). Immediately after removal of parasite, the seizure and motor weakness disappeared. Stereotactic removal of cerebral sparganum can be considered a useful method in selected


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