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µ¿Á¤¸Æ ±âÇüÀ» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ µÎ°³°­³» Á¤¸Æ Ç÷°üÁ¾ Intracranial Venous Angioma with Arteriovenous Malformation

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 23±Ç 12È£ p.1430 ~ 1435
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Intracerebral venous angiomas with arterial components have been reported rarely. A case of venous angioma with arterial componant is presented. The patient was a 29-year-old-female who presented with abrupt headache followed by left hemiparesis.
Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed intracerebral hematoma in right temporoparietal lobe and basal ganglia with surrounding signal voids. The cerebral angiography showed the characteristic umbrella appearance and
draining vein of venous angioma in right temporoparietal lobe and fine arterial branches supplying the vascular malformation. At the operation, multiple arteriovenous fistular without nidus were observed and delicate angiomatous network with red
were found around the hematoma cavity. Histologic examination of the angiomatous network ported it to be an arteriovenous malformation. It was a variant of mixed angioma, venous angioma combined with arteriovenous malformation.
Clinical, angiographic, and pathological features of intracerebral venous angiomas with arterial components were reviewed from literatures.


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