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¼Ò¾Æ µÎ³ú¿Ü»óÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Analysis of Craniocerebral Injury in Children

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 24±Ç 2È£ p.128 ~ 135
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The clinical analysis was carried out with 182 cases of craniocerebral injuries under 15 years of age. admitted at the Department of Neurosurgery. Chung Nam National Universty Hospital during the period from September, 1990 to September 1993.
@ES Following results were obtained:
@EN 1) There were 133 males and 49 females and sex ratio was 2.7%
2) Age incidence of the accidents was greatest at 6 years of age and mostly distributed to the age group between 4 to 7.
3) Seasonal peak of the accidents was at May.
4) The accident occurred mostly botween 4 P. m. and 6 P. m in a day.
5) The most frequent cause of the craniocerebral injuries was traffic accident (105cases. 57.69%)
6) No deterioration of cansciousness before and after the admission was doserved in 68 cases (37.36%)
7) Pupillary change was observed in 25 cases and Babinski sign was elicitable in 31 cases
8) Early convulsion and vomiting were frequent symptoms in childhood.
9) Skull fracture was observed in 72 cases (39.56%) in which linear fracture was most frequent and predilection site was parietal bone.
10) The accompanying rate of skull fracture in intracranial hemorrhage was 65.54%.
11) Associated injuries were found in 44 cases (24.18%). The frequent ones were extremity fracture, clavicle fracture
12) The overall mortality was 7.14%.


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