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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 24±Ç 2È£ p.158 ~ 164
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We have analysed 144 patients with hypertensive putaminal hemorrhage. admitting from January 1992 to December 1993. Surgical treated group with Komai's stereotactic system was 71 patients and medical treated group was 73 patients.
@ES The results were as follows:
@EN 1) The patients with ventricular rupture were 36cases (25%). According to the degree of ventricular ruptrue. the mortality was increased and the good outcome was decreased (P<0.01).
2) The prognosis was evaluated in favorable condition (alert and drowsy) and unfavorable condition (alert and drowsy) and unfavorable condition (stuporous, semicomatose. comatose). In unfavorable condition. the mortality of surgical patients was
than that of non-surgical patients (P<0.01).
3) Surgical patients with smaller hematoma (¡Â40ml) showed better outcome than non-surgical patients : The statistical difference was not significant. But in larger hematoma (>40ml). the outcome in both treated group was similar.
4) According to CT classification, in class II (extending to anterior limb of internal capsule). good outcome of surgical group was better than that of non-surgical group. In class V (extending to thalamus or subthalamus). the mortality in
group was lower than that of non-surgical group (P<0.05).


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