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ôÃß³» ³¶¹ÌÃæÁõ Spinal Cysticercosis

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Cysticercosis in the human is caused by infestation by larvae of pork tapeworm, taenia solium. Although they may grow anywhere in the body such as the liver. lung, eyes. heart, muscle, ect., they are most commonly found in the brain and its
The cysticercus vesicles have occasionally been found in spinal structures other than the brain. We present a case of spinal cysticercosis in a 63-year-old male. The patient presented with a marked paraparesis and paresthesia below a T10
level. and moderately decreased deep tendon reflexes. After performing total laminectomies at T11-12 & L3-5, 30 cysticercus vesicles were removed.


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