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¿äÃß°£ÆÇÅ»ÃâÁõ ¼ö¼úÈÄ ÇÕº´Áõ ¹× Àç¼ö¼ú Complication and Reoperation After Surgery for Lumbar Disc Herniation

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 24±Ç 8È£ p.916 ~ 923
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retrospective analysis for reoperation and complication was made for 186 patients with lumbar herniated disc. The results showed complication rate of 7% (13 cases0 and reoperation rate of 10.2% (19 cases0. The primary complications were
cases), technical errors (2 cases), and sores (2 cases0. rate of discitis was 1.6% (3 cases). The outcomes of reoperation resulted in excellent recovery of 16% (3 cases) and good rcovery of 58% (11 cases). The most common intraoperative findings
reoperation were inadequate disectomy or missed disc fragments 31.6% or 6 cases ; epidural fibrosis 26.3% or 5 cases; and new herniation at other level 15.8% or 3 cases. Excellent and good results could be achieved in patients operated within 1
month or
more than 6 months after while the patients who underwent reoperation between 1 month and 6 months showed poor results. The delicate perioperative management and complete discsctomy, adequate bleeding control and laminectomy were considered to be
essential in reducing the chance of complication and reoperation.


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