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Àü±¹ ³úÁ¾¾ç µî·Ï »ç¾÷(I) Korean Brain Tumor Registry(I)

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 25±Ç 3È£ p.602 ~ 606
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Brain tumor registry is an essential element of brain tumor control strategy. providing epidemiological. management. and outcome data for patients with brain tumor. To establish a well documented and sustainable assessment of brain tumor data in
the Korean Brain Tumor Study Group prepared Korean Brain Tumor Registry. whion is a collaborative study involving all of the neurosurgical training hospitals in Korea. The participating hospitals will collect epidemiological data for the
benign. uncertain and unspecified tumors of the brain. The 10th Revision of the ICD and the morphology rubrics of the second edition of the ICD-O will be used to meet the international standards of tumor registry. The annual study will provide
information that will be disseminated to physicians. allied health personnel. administrators. health care planner. and public and private agencies. The final goal of this study is to establish the population-based national brain tumor registry.


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