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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 25±Ç 4È£ p.793 ~ 801
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In retrospective study of 35 cases (male=17, female=18) of lumbar spondylolisthesis (isthmic 24. degenerative 6 iatrogenic 5) treated with different surgical management. we elucidate the result of follow-up radiologic changes and surgical
Percent-slip was reduced and percent-disc height was increased in all three groups at 1 month after the operation But 6 months follow-up after the operation reveared that percent-slip was increased the around the value of preoperation in PPLF
(Pedicle screw fixation with posterolateral fusion. 13cases) and PLIF group (Posterior lumbar interbody fusion only. 11cases) and that percent-disc height was decreased compared to postoperative 1 month in PPLF group. Although PPIF group (Pedicle
fixation with posterior lumbar interbody fusion. 11cases) showed better correction and maintenance. But there was no significant differences in overall outcome among the three surgical groups (PPLF : 76.9%. PLIF : 81.8%. % of satisfaction) and
outcome of surgery was not related with bone union rate (PPLF=76.9%. PLIF=72.7%. PPIF=81.8%) or accompanied NIC and HNP. There were 6 patients with complications (17.1%). such as two wound infection two screw fractures and two others.
Further longterm follow-up and evaluation is needed for clarifying the efficiency and superiority in surgical options associated with type. degree of slip. complications. bone fusion and patient satisfaction.


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