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¾Æ·É¾ç ôÃßÁ¾¾ç¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÈÄ¹æ ¹× Àü¿Ü¹æ µ¿½Ã Á¢±Ù¼ú Posterior and Anterolateral Approaches in a Single Stage to Dumbbell Tumors of the Spine

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 25±Ç 4È£ p.802 ~ 811
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The surgical approach to spinal tamors varies not only with the level and location of the tumor but also with the type and extent of the tumor Some of the dumbbell neurofibroma (neurilemmoma) can be removed through simple laminectomy. but usually
approached through two separate incisions by two stages. In this report. posterior and anterolateral approaches in a single stage ot dumbbell neurofibroma (neurilemmoma) of the spinal region are described. This approach provides full exposure of
and paraspinal portions of the tumor. thus permitting safe dissection and total removal 1. Six patients who underwent this procedure are described to illustrate its application.


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