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The PC10, a monoclonal antibody(mAb) to proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA), is
known to show immunoreactively in paraffin embedded tissue. The authors present the
relation between PCNA expression and clinicopathological features such as patient's age
and sex, tumor size and location, histological types, and recurrence in 18 intracranial
PCNA scores were obtained by immunostaining of the paraffin embedded surgical
specimens using a streptoavidin/peroxidase method with PC 10 mAb, which recognized
an epitope on the PCNA. Univariate analysis showed that high PC 10 scores were
associated with old age(¡Ã50 years old), male, recurrent tumor and meningothelial tended
to be higher than that of hemispheric meningioma(p<0.05). The staining intensity of
PCNA was markedly increased in basal menigiomas.
It is suggested that the proliferative potential is higher in basal meningiomas than un
hemispheric meningiomas, however, the number of patients in this study is too small to
draw a statistically conclusion.


Meningioma; PCNA; Clinicopathological features.;

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