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A total of 26 patients diagnosed as diffuse axonal injury(DAI) between Nov, 1993 and
Dec. 1995, were evaluated retrospectively with special attention given to MRI findings.
In clinical aspects, there was male predominance(1.9 : 1) with the mean age of 28.5
years. The clinical grades based on the Glasgow coma scale(GCS) score were classified
as mild(13-15), moderate(9-12) and severe(3-8). The duration of hospitalization and loss
of consciousness(LOC) at admission were well correlated with the severity of clinical
status. As regards the outcome of patients, twenty patients977%) recovered as alert, but
three patients(12%) died of sepsis. Short duration of LOC less than one day and young
age of less than 10 years were good prognostic factors.
The MRI findings of DAI were divided into three grades : in grade 1, there was
small scattered lesions in the white matter of the cerebral hemisphere, in grade 2, focal
lesion in the corpus callosum, and in grade 3, there was an additional focal lesion in the
brain stem. The final outcome of grade 3 was poor, but in grade 2, there was wide
spectrum between initial clinical status from alertness to semicoma and relative good


Diffuse axonal injury; MRI; Prognostic factors; Corpus callosal lesion.;

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