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The authors retrospectively reviewed the operative cases of 28 patients with lower
cervical spine injury from August 1991 to July 1996. Data from charts were reviewed
the following clinical parameters, e.g etiologies, neurologic findings, degrees of recovery,
management including operative treatments, and complications.
The lower cervical injury was most common in men in the third decade. The most
common cause, mechanism and site of lower cervical injury were motor vehicle
accidents, flexion type injury and C5-6 respectively. The head trauma was frequently
combined. In mose cases operation for stabilization was done around two weeks after
the trauma, but for decompression purpose it was done before two weeks. Three
patients who had complete neural injuries died due to pneumonia, adult respiratory
distress syndrome, and upper syndrome, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. A
neurological recovery rate was high in incomplete neural injury group.
In conclusion, early reduction and decompression of spinal canal in incomplete neural
injury group is favorable for good recovery. Careful attention should be paid on the
patient with complete injury for the development of serious complications such as upper
gastrointestinal bleeding. ARDS and pneumonia.


Lower cervical spine injury; Operative treatment.;

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