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ÀüÀ̾Ͽ¡ ÀÇÇÑ ºÒ¾ÈÁ¤ °æÃß Unstable Cervical Spine Caused by Metastatic Tumors

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 26±Ç 2È£ p.258 ~ 264
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Metastatic tumors of the cervical spine represent an omnious complication of systemic
cancer. Neoplastic disease of the cervical spine is a rare disorder. Because of the
potential morbidity and mortality associated with cervical tumors, their significance to
both patients and surgeon is much greater than the incidence. The potential for
devasating morbidity associated with unstable symptomatic cervical spine stresses the
importance of early recognition and vigorous treatment of this disorder.
Our approach to the problem is based on an experience which includes surgical
treatment in a series of eight consecutive patients with symptomatic spinal metastases
during three years from September 1993 to August 1996. The primary foci were lung in
4 cases, breast in 2 prostate in 2, and unknown in 1, The surgery performed with
anterior approach in 3 cases, posterior in 4 cases, combined in 1. The immediate
postoperative result was excellent without any surgical complications.
The author thinks that unstable cervical metastatic tumors may be required a
vigorous treatment because of its devasating nature.


Spinal metastasis; Unstable symptomatic cervical spine; Vigorous treatment.;

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