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°æÃß Àü¹æ °ñ À¯ÇÕ¼ú 152·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÈÄÇâÀû ºÐ¼® Anterior Cervical Fusion - A Retrospective Analysis of 152 Cases -

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 26±Ç 2È£ p.271 ~ 277
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Anterior cervical fusion has enjoyed an increasing acceptance and frequency of
utilization in the treatment of symptomatic degenerative, traumatic, and neoplastic
disorder. Since the introduction of plate systems, cervical fusion with fixation has
become popularized. We present our experiences of 152 cases of cervical fusion in
degenerative and traumatic lesions, focusing on their surgical results and complications,
along with our opinions about the various plate systems we used. Between March 1993
and May 1996, 152 patients with symptomatic degenerative and traumatic cervical
lesions between C3-4 and C7-T1 levels were treated with anterior cervical fusions.
These patients were retrospectively studied according to their medical records and
radiological studies. A comparison between various plate systems were also done. There
were 110 men and 42 women, aged from 21 to 77 years. Mean follow up period was 17
months. Mean fused segments were 1.4 Various plate systems were used ; Casper plate
system in 14 patients ; Top plate in 102 ; Orion plate in 21 ; and none in 15.
Dislodgement of bone graft, screw loosening, and fusion failure that required reoperation
were occurred in 8 cases. None of them were initially treated with unicortical type
screws. Asymplomatic esophageal perforation was developed in one case among them. In
conclusion, anterior cervical fusion with screw plate system can be carried out with
acceptable complication rate. Although relative follow up follow up period short. we
concluded that the locking type screw plate system was superior than the classic
bicortical screw in their procedural simplicity, unnecessary penetration of posterior
cortex, and elimination of the fear for the neurological complication.


Anterior cervical fusion; Unicortical screw; Biocortical screw.;

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