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°æºÎ¹ÌÁֽŰ濡 ¹ß»ýÇÑ ½Å°æÃÊÁ¾ - Áõ·Ê º¸°í - Neurilemmomas of the Cervicla Vagus Nerve - A case Report -

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A case of the recurrent neurilemmoma of vagus nerve in the neck is presented. It
was located in the upper third of the right lateral neck. The patients was presented
with hoarseness and monoparesis of the right arm. The tumor was composed of large
cystic portion and solid nodule in the right carotid fossa. Since total surgical removal of
the tumor could cause functional deterioration of the involved vagus nerve, it was
removed by means intracapsular enucleation.
Postoperatively, the monoparesis of the right arm was disappeared with preservation
of vagus nerve function. It would appear that an intracapsular enucleation may be
advisable in some cases of neurliemmomas of the cervical vagus nerve to maintain the
function of the involved vagus nerve.


Neurliemmoma; Vagus nerve; Intracapsular enucleation.;

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