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Several cases of pulmonary air embolisms during surgery have been reported.
However, such incidence are very rare during endoscopic surgeries. A 5-year-old boy
with third ventricular arachnoid cyst and hydrocepphalus underwent endoscopic third
ventriculostomy under the general anesthesia, during which continous intraventricular
irrigation was maintained with normal saline. During the procedure, arterial and
transcutaneous oxygen tension increased. Within 3 minutes after the inspired gas
mixture was changed to 100% oxygen, the patient's respiratory variables returned to
near base line. The second attack occurred about 10 minutes late and decreased arterial
oxygen tension with increased arterial carbon dioxide tension continued for about 5
minutes. After waking up from anesthesia, the patient suffered a generalized seizure
attacks that was managed with anticonvusant therapy. We believe that we are the first
to report an attack of pulmonary air embolism during brain endoscopic procedure. It was
reported with the review of literatures.


Pulmonary embolism; Air embolism; Endoscopic surgery; Third ventriculostomy.;

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