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¿ø¹ß¼º µÎ°³°ñ ¼ö¸·Á¾ - Áõ·Ê º¸°í - Primary Intraosseous Calvarial Meningioma - A Case Report -

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 26±Ç 2È£ p.297 ~ 300
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¹Ú»óÈ£/Sang Ho Park °­Àç±Ô/Á¤ÇöÅÂ/µµÁ¾¿õ/Jae Kyu Kang/Hyun Tae Jung/Jong Wung Doh


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Intraosseous meningioma of the skull is a rare benign tumor. A case of calvarial
origin examined with computed tomography and bone scintigram is reported. The tumor
was located in the left fronto-temporo-parietal region, involving the superior orbital
fissure. Total removal of the tumor was performed and histological diagnosis of
intraosseous meningioma was obtained. Radiological findings and possible histogenetic
mechanism of the intraosseous meningioma are discussed.


Skull; Neoplasm; Meningioma; Computed tomography(CT).;

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