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ÆÄŲ½¼¾¾º´¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ³úÁ¤À§Àû ½Ã»óÇÙÆı«¼ú ¹× ´ãⱸÀýÁ¦¼ú Treatment of Parkinson's Disease by Streotactic Thalamotomy and Pallidotomy

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.313 ~ 319
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Á¶¼ºÈ¯/Sung Whan Cho ±è¹®Âù/°­Áرâ/À̸í±â/±è´ëÁ¶/Moon Chan Kim/Joon Ki Kang/Myeong Ki Lee/Dae Jo Kim


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(Parkinson's disease)Àº ¹Ì±¹¿¡¼­´Â °¡Àå ¸¹Àº À¯º´·üÀ» °¡Áø ½Å°æ ÅðÇ༺ Áúȯ Áß Çϳª·Î
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The authors report the surgical results of thalamotomy and pallidotomy, performed at
out hospital between 1983 and 1993 for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The series
included a retrospective analysis of 156 patients with this condition by stereotactic
ventrolateral(VL) thalamotomy(126 patients, 138 thalamotomies) and posterolateral
pallidotomy(30 patients, 30 pallidotomies). Each patient was followed up postoperatively,
for one year. Among those who underwent the stereotactic VL thalamotomy, 136/138
procedures(99%) let to improvement of tumor, and 83/138(60%) resulted in reduced
rigidity. Stereotactic posterolateral pallidotomy, led to improvement of bradykinesia after
27/30 procedures(90%), of rigidity after 22.30(73%) and of tremor after 13/30(43%). Drug
induced dyskinesia showed a 42% improvement in the thalamotomy series and a 93%
improvement in the pallidotomy serious ; the difference between the two series was
significant(P<0.001). The patients themselves and their relatives used the Hoehn & Yahr
staging scale to assess postoperative improvement in disability, and according to the
results, 91/126 patients(72%) in the thalamotomy series and 26/30(87%) in the
pallidotomy series showed improvement. In the thalamotomy series, there was no
statistically significantly higher improvement in diability for preoperative groups I and ¥±
(Hoehn & Yahr staging scale) than for groups ¥² and ¥³(P<0.029), while in the
pallidotomy series, there was no statistically significant difference in postoperative
improvement between these same groups (P>0.557). In addition, for groups with greater
preoperative disability(Hoehn & Yahr staging, groups ¥² and ¥³), improvement was more
likely after pallidotomy than after thalamotomy. In the pallidotomy series, dysphasia was
the only serious complication and this was seen after 20% of procedures. In the
thalamotomy series, however, complications included hypotonia(24%), transient
confusion(19%), transient dysphasia(11%), permanent dysarthria(7%), subjective
numbness(4%) and epileptic seizure(3%).
The authors believe that posterolateral pallidotomy is much more effective than VL
thalamotomy for the control of Parkinson bradykinesia and rigidty, but that thalamotomy
is still a useful surgical option for the control of Parkinsonian tremor.


Stereotactic thalamotomy; Sterotactic pallidotomy; Hoehn & Yahr staging scale; Parkinson's disease.;

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