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³ú³ó¾çÀÇ Á¤À§Àû Ä¡·á Stereotaxy in Brain Abscess

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.320 ~ 325
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Despite reduction in the mortality of patients with brain abscess since the introduction
antibiotics and computed tomography controversy persists as to the preferred method of
treatment for this condition.
Twenty two patients were treated by CT or MRI guided stereoptactic aspiration or
excision with appropriate antibiotic therapy. Thirteen patients who were treated by
aspiration received a total of 6 to 8 weeks of antibiotic therapy. Eight patients who
were treated by excision received a total of 1 to 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy. One
patient was managed with biopsy followed by antibiotic therapy, but due to increase in
size of abscess, open craniotomy was performed.
Stereotaxy is procedure with minimal morbidity and mortality. It should be considered
in patients with small, multiple, or deep-seated abscess, in those who are poor operative
candidates, and in those who have failed prior therapy. Stereotactic excision may be
considered in patients with small(>20§®) superficially located abscess.


Brain abscess; Stereotaxy; Stereotactic surgery; Aspiration; Excision.;

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