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To date no consensus has been reached regarding the suitability of surgical treatment
of for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage, expecially in deep seated cases. With the
recent introduction of an alternative to conservative therapy, crainotomy or stereotactic
aspiration, it has become even more difficult to determine which therapeutic approaches
should be used. We used stereotactic aspiration technique under a local anesthesia
instead of craniotomy to treat 48 patients, because we believe that better therapeutic
results could be obtained by minimal invasion to the brain. In present study, we
analysed the level of consciousness and clinical outcome, location and volume of
hematoma, interval of operation from ictus, and rate of hematoma removal. Our series
consist of 18 males and 30 females. The most prevalent age group of intracerebral
hemorrhage patients were the 6th decades. the hematoma were located at basal ganglia
in 75%, thalamus in 15%, pons in 8%, and lobar 2%. The prognosis was favorable in
patients with good neurological grade at admission, but was unfavorable in those with
large volume although the statistical difference was not significant. Rate of hemotoma
removal was high in the cases where operations performed after 4 days. The statistical
difference between the time interval from hemorrhage to operation and prognosis was
not significant. The overall mortality rate was 17%. These results seem to indicate that
stereotactic aspiration may play a comparable indices in the treatment of spontaneous
intracerebral hemorrhage.


Intracerebral hemorrhage; Stereotactic aspiration.;

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