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³ú¿°Èļº °£ÁúÀÇ ¿Ü°úÀû Ä¡·á Surgical Treatment of Postencephalitic Epilepsy

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 26±Ç 3È£ p.377 ~ 383
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Encephalitis is often followed by chronic intractable epilepsy. Many of these patients
pose significant challenges to the localization of seizure generators and to the strateges
for management of intractable epilepsy. The authors analysed 17 patients with
postencephalitic epilepsy(PEE), who underwent resective surgeries. Most patients had
been accompanied by coma, convulsive status epilepticus, and focal motor deficit at the
time of encephalitis. MRI studies showed variable degree of brain damage ; hippocampal
sclerosis only(n=5), neocortical gliosis only(n=6), and both(n=5). Analysis of ictal
semiology revealed a predominant temporo-limbic seizure pattern in 7, a variable
extralimbic patterns in 6, and unclassified in 4 patients. Surgical resection includes
temporal(n=11), frontal(n=3), centroparietal(n=1), multilobar(n=2), and callosotomy(n=2).
Surgical outcome was graded as class 1(n=8), class 2(n=2), class 3(n=4), and class
4(n=3). It is concluded that surgical result was promising despite the traditional concerns
about localizing problem in the setting of PEE. Surgical treatment should be, therefore,
considered of localizing information is persistent, intracranial EEG recording was very
useful to delineate the area of seizure onset. MRI abnormalities were not always
correlated with ictal onset zone in the patients with pee.


Epilepsy; Epilepsy surgery; Encepahlitis; MRI; Intracranial EEG Recording.;

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