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ȯÃßÃ༺ ºÒ¾ÈÁ¤¼º¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °æ°üÀý ³ª»ç¸ø °íÁ¤¹ý Transarticular Screw Fixation in Atlantoaxial Instability

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Atlantoaxial joint is a complex and unique structure which promotes rotation of head.
Disruption of the transverse ligament and odontoid process fracture caused by trauma
result in atlantoaxial instability. The instability must be corrected to relieve pain and to
reduce the risk of neural damage and possibility of sudden death.
The most recent and technologically advanced fixation method of C1-2 instability is
the use of C1-2 transarticular screw fixation. The transarticular screw fixation
augmented with interspinous wiring technique provide immediate multidirectional rigid
fixation and increase the fusion rate of atlantoaxial instability. It can be employed in
situations where the posterior arch of C1 is absent or fractured and in situations where
standard wiring techniques pose risky posterior subluxations of C1 on C2, or for
congenital odontoid anomalies. Twenty-one patients with atlantoaxial instability were
operated with posterior transarticular screw fixations augmented with interpinous C1-2
strut graft and posterior wire fixation technique. All patients restored C1-2 stability
without complication. This technique seems to be superior biomechanically when
compared with other posterior fixation methods. Precaution is needed to avoid the
vertebral artery injury.


Atlantoaxial instability; Transarticular screw fixation.;

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