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°æÃß ½Å°æ±Ùº´Áõ¿¡¼­ Short Tau Inversion Recovery Sequences¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ MR ½Å°æ¹¦»ç Magnetic Resonance Neurography with Short Tau Inversion Recovery Sequences for Cervical Radiculopathy

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phased-array coil systemÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ STIR MR ½Å°æ¹¦»ç(neurography)¸¦ ½ÃÇàÇÑ °á°ú Á÷Á¢
¾Ð¹Ú¹Þ°í ÀÖ´Â °æÃß ½Å°æ±Ù¿¡¼­ ºÐÁöµÈ °æÃß ½Å°æ(cervical spinal nerve) ¶Ç´Â Àü¹æ ÁÖ ½Å°æ
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posterior neck coilÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ STIR MR ½Å°æ¹¦»ç¸¦ °æÃß ½Å°æ±Ùº´ÁõÀÌ ÀǽɵǴ ȯÀڵ鿡
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In magnetic resonance(MR) imagings with short tau inversion recovery(STIR)
sequences fat signals are specifically suppressed. These imaging technique, therefore,
have been used to identify optic nerve lesions in the orbits, because there are a lot of
fat tissues which may obscure the optic nerves in the orbit. the cervical spinal nerves
or ventral primary rami of brachial plexus, during their courses in the necks between
anterior and middle scalene muscles, are also surrounded by considerable amount of fat
deposits. So we used these MR imaging techniques with already used posterior neck coil
system, to image cervical spinal nerves directly, and to know whether there are certain
signal changes in those nerves of the involved nerve roots, in 12 patients who were
considered to have cervical radiculopathies by conventional diagnostic menas. In MR
neurosurgraphy with STIR sequences(STIR MRN) of axial and coronal images, signals
of the cervical spinal nerves of the involved roots. We also measured contrast-to-noise
ratio(CNR) of the spinal nerve signals of the involved and uninvolved roots in axial
images. The average CNR value of the former was 4.48¡¾0.889 and of the latter 1.40¡¾
0.274. Our findings indicate that STIR MRNs can be helpful in limiting the lesions more
accurately and in making surgical decisions for cervical radiculopathies caused by
multileveled discs or spondylosis.


MR neurography; STIR sequences; Cervical spinal nerve; Radiulopathy.;

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