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Anterior communicating artery aneurysm is located in the deep area of the brain
around the important midline structure. It has adjacent complex arterial anatomy and
multidirectionally projected aneurysm fundus. For these reasons, various surgical
approaches including anterior interhemispheric and pterional approaches to the anterior
communicating artery aneurysm have been introduced, but none of them are thought to
be completely adequate for large and complex anterior communicating artery aneurysm.
In the acute stage when brain edema is very severe, poor-grade anterior communicating
artery aneurysm is more difficult to treat surgically and represents higher morbidity and
In our hospital, forty one patients with Hunt-Hess grade ¥³-¥´ anterior
communicating artery aneurysms were operated on via frontotemporal-transorbital
approach within 72 hours after onset of subarachnoid hemorrhage from May 1, 1990 to
April 30m 1996. The frontotemopral-transorbital approach was found to have many
advantage in the surgery of these poor-grade anterior communicating artery aneurysms,
i.e., providing multidirectional surgical dissection and aneurysmal viewing, minimal brain
retraction, wider basal exposure, shortest distance to the lesion, and preservation of the
nerve and vascular supply to the frontotemopral muscle.
The results of the early surgery of for poor-grade anterior communicating artery
aneurysm via frontotemporal-transorbital approach represented reduced morbidity(31.7%)
and mortality(22.0%)

Poor-grade anterior communicating artery aneurysm; Early surgery; Frontotemporal-transorbital approach.;


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