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Aretrospective study on operative results was carried out in a series of 164 patients
who were performed by microdiscectomy and 57 patients by automated percutaneous
lumbar discectomy(APLD) for herniated lumbar discs between January 1, 1990 and June
30, 1996. The operative results were analysed, and the correlation between preoperative
clinicoradiological factors and postoperative clinical results were statistically assessed.
The major results were as follows ;
1) Of 164 microdiscectomy cases, 102 were males and 62 were females, mean age was
42.4 years and incidence was the highest in the 5th decade. Among 57 APLD cases, 43
were males and 14 females, mean age 32.2 years, and the highest incidence in the 3rd
2) The preoperative symptoms and sign in microscectomy and APLD cases were
lumbago(98.2% vs 98.2%). radiating pain(96.3% vs 98.2%), positive straight leg raising
test(77.4% vs 70.2%), motor weakness(27.4%, vs 17.5%) claudication (13.4% vs 0%) and
voiding difficulty(2.4% vs 0%).
3) Number of operated levels were 226 in microdisectomy and 74 in APLD. The most
commonly operated levels in both groups were L4-5.
4) Operative results
(1) The overall success rates by Prolo's scale were 87.1% in microdiscectomy and
80.7% in APLD, respectively.
(2) In younger age group (below 30 years) and in non-compensatory group, success
rate were significantly higher in microdiscectomy(100%, 89.9% vs 76.7%, 62.5%
(3) As to protrusion and degeneration on MRI, a clinical result, from patients with
mild to moderated protrusion and degeneration of discs was significantly better in
microsectomy group, and that of mild protrusion and degeneration of discs in APLD
group was significantly better.
(4) The most common cause of failure was inadequately removed disc material in
microdiscectomy cases and operated for sequestered discs in APLD cases.
There results indicate that there were no difference in overall success rates between
microdiscectomy and APLD. But it should be emphasized that clinical results may have
been influenced by age, existence of compensation, and the degree of protrusion and
degeneration of discs as prognostic factors. The authors believe that if the selection of
operative procedure is carefully decided with details of clinical and radiologic findings of
the patients, a good outcome can be expected.


Herniated lumbar disc; Microdiscectomy; Automated percutaneous lumbar discectomy(APLD).;

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