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Eighty-four patients whose cervical lesions not associated with any trauma or tumor
or tumor were operated for anterior cervical interbody fusion. The patients were
separated into two groups, one group operated with a cervical plate and the other group,
without the cervical plate. The mean follow-up duration in anterior cervical interbody
fusion with cervical plate cases was 16 months(from 6 months to 30 months), without
cervical plate 35 months(from 6 months to 84 months). Retrospective analysis of the two
groups were done in order to compare the incidence of postoperative complications,
clinical outcome, and radiological changes, The most notable postoperative complications
of the group operated without the cervical plate were migration of the bone graft(3.3%)
and angulation(3.3%), whereas of the group operated with the cervical plate were screw
loosening(4.2%) and infection of the operative wound(4.2%).
Comparative analysis of the postoperative clinical outcome and changes in radiological
measurement of the intervertebral heights and angles showed no statistically significant
difference between the two groups.
The results of this study suggest that whether or not the cervical plate should be
used for anterior cervical interbody fusions requires a decision made carefully and
meticulously by the operator, so that the possibility of any post-operative complications
can be minimized.

Anterior cervical interbody fusion; Cervical plate; Complications; Clinical outcome; intervertebral heights; intervertebral angles;


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