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The anterior decompression and fusion have been the choice of surgical treatment for
spinal tuberculosis since 1960. From April 1995 to April 1996, we operated on six
patients of thoraco-lumbar tuberculosis. The procedure consisted of anterior
decompression through corpectomy, stabilization with anterior instrument and bone graft
with or without Titanium MESH, MRI provides a valuable information about the extent
of the disease in multiple planes, thereby helping surgeons in planning of the operation.
The thoracic spine was involved in four patients, the lumbar spine in two. On average,
two vertebral bodies were involved. Anterior and middle column of spine were involved
in all patients, but posterior column was intact in all patients. Disc space involvement
was seen in all patients. Paraspinal abscess was observed in three patients. Epidural
compression of the spinal cord or cauda equina was noted in all patients. Four patients
showed neurological improvements and relief of pain. However, the recovery of two
remaining paraplegic patients was not remarkable. There was no single case associated
with persistence or recurrence of infection after instrumentation.


Thoraco-lumbar spine; Instrumentation; Anterior decompression and fusion; Spinal tuberculosis.;

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