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Hypertensive pontine hemorrhage usually causes profound, irreversible neurological
deficits, with ominous prognosis, and is often fatal, There is controversy as to the
appropriate treatment modality, but in general, surgical intervention is considered
unethical. The authors report the outcome of hypertensive pontine hemorrhage in 13
patients whose Glasgow Coma Scale was 4-9, who on brain CT scan were seen to
have over 10cc for hematoma and who underwent suboccipital craniectomy for
hematoma removal, These patients could be divided in two groups : 'early'(9 patients),
who underwent surgery within 24 hours of ictus, and 'late'(4 patients), who underwent
surgery 6 to 20 days after ictus ; all had shown neurological deterioration in spite of
optimal medical treatment. Surgical outcome did not vary according to the extent of
hematoma removal. For patients in the 'early' group, surgery was not useful, but three
in the 'late' group. the GCS score improved to between 7 and 11.
This study suggests that in hypertensive pontine hemorrhage, an early direct approach
may not improve outcome, but for selected patients, who deteriorate during conservative
treatment, surgery may be beneficial.


Hypertensive pontine hemorrhage; Hematoma removal; Early surgery group; Late surgery group;

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