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Injury to a lumbar disc is rare, and is seldom mentioned in the literature describing
spinal fracture ; even in patients with such fractures, disc herniation is infrequent and is
often considered to be a sequellar of trauma, Using magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
we investigated the incidence and pattern of disc injuries by an in 37 patients with
fractures of the lumbar and thoracic spines.
Discs adjacent to the fracture site were found to be normal in 19 patients(51.4%), but
in ten(27.0%), the end plate was disrupted. The disc was ruptured in six patients(16.25),
and had degenerated in two patients(5.4%), injured discs were found in the three
patients with fracture-dislocation and three of the seven(42.9%) with burst fracture, but
in none of the 27 with compression fracture. The three lower lumbar discs(L3-4, L4-5,
and L5-S1) were found to be normal in 26 patients(70.3%), but had degenerated in
seven(18.9%). Incidental asymptomatic disc herniation was found in four patients(10.3%),
including one with degenerative spondylolisthesis. There was no traumatic disc
herniation in the lower lumbar region.
These results suggest that traumatic lumbar disc herniation is quite uncommon, even
in the unstable thoracolumbar spinal injuries.


Disc herniation; Spine fracture; Thoracic and lumbar spine; Magnetic resonance Imaging; Trauma;

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