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For lumber disc herniation, conventional laminectomy and discectomy were used for a
long time Since chemonucleolysis was introduced as a treatment modality of lumbar disc
herniation in 1964, other various minimally invasive surgical techniques like Percutaneous
Nucleotome. Arthorscopic Microdiscectomy and laser discectomy were developed to
minimize postoperative discomfort and morbidity. In conventional surgery with
laminectomy limitation for surgical procedures and the surgical result is very excellent
over 90%. But it causes a postoperative wound pain due to muscle injury and a
possibility of nerve root injury Minimally invasive surgical techniques has advantages of
minimal postoperative pain and morbidity Also it has limitations of narrow indication
like soft disc herniation without bony stenosis and comparatively low surgical result
about 70% Recently a new minimal invasive endoscopic discectomy system was
developed which has advantages of conventional laminectomy and minimally invasive
surgical techniques It can decompress the nerve root like conventional open surgery and
has of small incision, limited tissue disruption and faster recovery time We haute had 3
cases experiences of Micro-Endoscopic Discectomy(MED) system in lumbar disc
herniations and got excellent clinical result


MicroEndoscopic discectomy; Open laminectomy; Minimally invasive; Lumber disc herniation.;

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