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It has long been thought that in individuals with congenitally narrower spinal canals.
the risk of spinal cord injury. The be increased The purpose of the present study was
to quantitatively assess spinal cord pressures in cadaveric human cervical spines with
narrow and wide canals and with normal and degenerative columns Twelve human
cadaveric cervical spine preparations were evaluated on the basis of their level o)
degeneration and canal
A drop mass assembly was constructed wish different combinations of masses to
produce 24 possible drop combinations for each spine preparation These resulted in input
energies from 100 to 1000 'gram-centimeters' Cadaver cervical spine was instrumented
with a collagen encased artificial spinal cord and seven sensor transducer arrays
recorded pressures on the cord during the impact extent The results indicated that
depending on the extent and level of degeneration degenerated spinal columns produced
distinctly different patterns of cord pressure. Normal spinal columns produced consistent
patterns ol high pressures under the impact site but this decreased caudally and
cranially. In specimens with narrow spinal canals, cord pressures under the impact site
were significantly higher than in specimens with wide canals For the higher drop
energies(800 and 1000 'g-cm') the disparity between narrow and wide canal specimens
increased This implies that for the same inpt drop, energy, the propensity for spinal
cord injury is higher for narrower spinal canals than for those which are wider


Cervical spine; Artificial cord Pressure; Degeneration;

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