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´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.329 ~ 335
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Twenty five consecutive patients requiring reoperation due to hemorrhage following
surgery for intracranial hemoatoma removal were identified in a retrospective review of
211 cases of traumatic intracranial lesions treated at our hospital between January 1990
and December 1994.
In cases involving head injury, reoperation is nowadays not uncommon. The
incidences of cases requiring reoperation was 11.8%, while delayed or recurrent lesions
were more common among older patients(mean age=44.39 years). Acute subdural
hemorrhage was the most common initial lesion requiring reoperation ; in intracerebral
and acute subdural hemorrhage, the incidence of reoperation was relatively high(23.1%
and 14.7%, respectively) ; acute epidural hemorrhage was next most common(8.8%). In
88.0% of cases, reoperative was performed within 24 hours.
At the time of discharge, good recovery was reported in five cases(20.0%), moderate
disability in ten(40.0%), severe disability in two(8.0%), vegetative state in two(8.0%) and
death in six(24.0%). The outcome seems to be related to lesions requiring reoperation
rather than initial lesions. Furthermore, closed observation and aggressive management
can rapidly improve the outcome, even in patients requiring reoperation ; it is, in
addition, of the utmost importance that CT scans be used early and repeatedly,
especially in patients who are at risk of delayed or recurrent lesions.


Head injury; Postoperative hemorrhage; Reoperation.;

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