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¼ö¼úÀû Ä¡·á¸¦ ¹ÞÀº ¼ö±Ù°üÁõÈıºÈ¯ÀÚÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû A Clinical Analysis of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients Who Were Surgically Treated

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.336 ~ 342
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1) ȯÀÚÀÇ ¿¬·ÉÀº 29¼¼¿¡¼­ºÎÅÍ 61¼¼±îÁö·Î Æò±Õ 48.7¼¼¿´°í, 50¼¼¿¡¼­ 59¼¼±îÁö°¡ 18·Ê
(58%)·Î °¡Àå ¸¹¾ÒÀ¸¸ç ¿©ÀÚ°¡ 29·Ê(93.5%). ³²ÀÚ°¡ 2·Ê(6.5%)·Î ¿©ÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¾ÐµµÀûÀ¸·Î ¸¹¾Ò
2) ¹ß»ýºÎÀ§´Â ¾çÃøÀÌ 18·Ê(58%) °¡Àå ¸¹¾Ò°í, ¿ìÃø 9·Ê(29%) ±×¸®°í ÁÂÃøÀÌ 4·Ê(13%)¿´´Ù.
3) Áõ»óÀÇ ¹ßÇö ±â°£Àº 2ÁÖ¿¡¼­ 10³â±îÁö·Î Æò±Õ 46.0°³¿ùÀ̾ú°í, 6·Ê¿¡¼­ ´Ù¸¥ ¿øÀÎ Áúȯ°ú
µ¿¹ÝµÇ¾î ³ªÅ¸³µ°í ÀÌ Áß¿¡´Â °áÇÙÀÇ ÁÖÁõ»óÀ¸·Î ³ªÅ¸³­ °æ¿ìµµ ÇÑ ¿¹ ÀÖ¾ú´Ù.
4) Áõ»ó Áß ¼öºÎÀÇ Àú¸²Àº Àü ¿¹¿¡¼­ º¼ ¼ö ÀÖ¾ú°í, ±× ¿Ü Tinel ¡ÈÄ 21·Ê(67.7%), Phalen
¡ÈÄ 19·Ê(61.2%), ¹«Áö±¸±ÙÀÇ À§ÃàÀº 9·Ê(29%)ÀÌ¸ç ±ÙÀüµµ¸¦ ½ÃÇàÇÑ 14·Ê Áß 12·Ê¿¡¼­ ÀÌ
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5) ¼ö¼ú Ä¡·á 31·Ê¿¡¼­ Àü½Å¸¶Ãë 18·Ê, ±¹¼Ò¸¶Ãë 10·Ê, ±×¸®°í ¾×¿ÍºÎ Â÷´ÜÀÌ 3·Ê ¿´´Ù
6) ¼ö¼úÀÇ °á°ú´Â 5°³¿ù¿¡¼­ 10³â±îÁöÀÇ ÃßÀû°üÂûÀ» ÇÑ 17·Ê¿¡¼­ Excellent 11(64.7%),
Good 4·Ê(23.5%), Fair¿Í Poor°¡ °¢°¢ 1·Ê(11.8%)·Î Good ÀÌ»óÀÇ °á°ú´Â 88.2%·Î °í½ÄÀû
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The carpal tunnel syndrome is well known, studied and easily treatable disease as one
of the entities of peripheral neuroentrapment disease. This report is based on last ten
year of our experience since the January of 1987 by observing 31 hands of 21 surgically
treated patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. The age range of patients was from 29 to
61 years old(average 48.7). The peak age group was six decade. Both hands were
affected predominantly followed by right and left hand, 18(58%), 9(29%) and 4913%)
respectively. Tingling sensation and pain were presented in all hands followed by
Tinel's sign in 21 hands(67.7%), Phalen's sign in 19 hands(61.2%) and thenar muscle
atrophy in 9(29%).
The postoperative results were excellent in 64.7% of patients, good 23.5%, fair 5.9%
and poor 5.9%. There were no postoperative complication. From these results we stress
that carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated well by surgery.


Carpal tunnel syndrome; Anatomy; Median nerve; MRI findings; Postoperative;

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