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Ãßü»ç´ëºÎ ¼ö¸·Á¾¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °æÃßü Á¢±Ù¹ý Surgical Removal of Large Petroclival Meningiomas ; the Transpetrosal Approach

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.343 ~ 350
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For surgery involving complex lesions of the petroclival region, the transpetrosal
approach-which may be anterior or posterior-is known to have distinct advantages over
traditional approaches. Six patients with large petroclival menigiomas(over 4.5cm),
underwent surgery. In three cases, where the lesion extended only into the posterior
fossa, the posterior transpetrosal approach was used, and in the other three, where it
extended into the Meckels cave or carvernous sinus, surgery involved a combined
anterior-posterior transpetrosal approach. In three cases with serviceable hearing, the
retrolabrinthine technique was employed, the remaining three, without serviceable
hearing, were subjected to the translabyrinthine technique. Total removal was achieved
in three cases(50%), and no patient died. Immediate postoperative neurological
dysfunction appeared in all cases ; almost all involved new cranial nerve deficit. As time
passed, this dysfunction became less serious, though in four cases, it was permanent ;
there was mild to moderate hemiparesis in two cases and facial nerve paralysis in two.
The surgical outcome was good in four cases, fair in one and poor in one. The authors
suggest that the selection of surgical approach to petroclival meningiomas should be
based upon the size and location of the tumor, the extent of dural attachment and the
status of the patient's hearing. For a high-risk group, with brain stem invasion, arterial
and cranial nerve encasement and cavernous sinus invasion, subtotal resection of the
tumor is recommended.

Petroclival meningioma; Transpetrosal approach; Combined approach; Retrolabyrinthine; Translabyrinthine.;


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