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ÀÏÂ÷ À̼Ҽº ¾ÇÁ¤ ¼ö¸·Á¾ - Áõ·Ê º¸°í - Primary Ectopic Malignant Meningioma

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We report a very rare case of ectopic malignant meningioma in the postauricular area.
The patient had suffered postauricular headache for four months, and brain magnetic
resonance imaging revealed a large mass extending from the base of the skull to the
cervical vertebra ; there was, however, no intracranial lesion nor connection with the
dura mater. Subtotal removal involved the postauricular approach and maligant
meningioma was histologically diagnosed. Metastasis to the right side of the neck and
the lung developed nine and sixteen months later, respectively.


Ectopic; Meningioma; Malignant; Postauricular.;

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