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µÎ°³°ñ °áÇÙ 1·Ê - Áõ·Ê º¸°í - Case of Tuberculosis of the Skull, Presenting as Osteolytic Lesion -Case Report-

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 27±Ç 3È£ p.392 ~ 396
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Tuberculosis of the skull bone tuberculosis is a very rare disease. We report a case
occurring in a 52 year-old male was referred to us because of headache and painful
swelling in the right frontal area. Plain chest x-ray revealed fibrous, streaky, nodular,
patchy opacities in the LUL together with pleural effusion. Plain skull x-ray and CT
scan demonstrated osteolytic lesion in the right frontal bone ; scanning showed hot
uptake by the right frontal area, and this corresponding to skull findings revealed by
plain film. After frontal craniotomy the involved bone flap and epidural abscess were
removed. Pathologically, typical granulamatous inflammation was seens ; this was
composed of caseation necrosis, epithelioid cells and surrounding lymphocytes and
plasma cells.


Skull bone tuberculosis; Osteolytic lesion.;

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