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Primary intracranial germ cell tumors(GCts) are relatively rare brain tumors that show
a diverse range of histologic features from benign to highly malignant conditions. To
determine their clinical findings, pathology, treatment and outcome, we analyzed the
medical records of 45 patients with primary intracranial GCTs treated at our hospital
between June 1989 and December 1996. Thirty-two were males and 13 were females,
and their ages ranged from three to 43 years. Fifteen cases were located in the pineal
region and 13 in the suprasellar. The remaining locations were the basal ganglia in
eight cases, both the pineal and suprasellar region in five, and others in four, in the
pineal region, there was a male predominance(13 : 2), but in the suprasellar region, more
cases(ten of 13) involved females. Of the 15 patients with tumors of the pineal region,
increases intracranial pressure(IICP) was evident in 12 and six had Parinaud's syndrome.
Of the 13 patients with tumors of suprasellar region, nine had diabetes insipidus ;
Seven, visual deficit ; and six, hypopituitarism, Germinoma was the most common
histologic type. Other types of histology were two teratomas, three embryonal
carcinomas, one endodermal sinus tumor, one choriocarcinoma, and five mixed GCTs. All
patients except those with a teratoma underwent whole craniospinal irradiation. We
performed gross total or subtotal removal in cases of non-germinomatous
GCTs(NGGCTs) and mixed tumors, but biopsy or partial removal was preferred for the
germinomas. Thirteen of 45 patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, as well as three of
33 germinoma patients. Two of 33 germinoma patients died not of disease progression
but of other causes,. Actuarial survival records showed that overall two-year and
five-year survival rates were 89.9% and 71.9%, respectively. There were no statistically
significant differences with regard to patient's age, sex, or tumor location. With regard
to their histology and surgical extent, malignant NGGCTs and mixed tumors showed
statistically significant differences. Five-year survival rates of germinoma and malignant
NGGCTs patients were 83.1% and 55.3%, respectively. We suppose that the appropriate
combination of chemotherapy and surgery, with or without radiation therapy, remains to
be defined, and that to determine the appropriate management protocol for malignant
NGGCTs and mixed tumors, larger series of patients must be analyzed.


Germ cell tumors; Histologic features; Radiation therapy; Chemotherapy; Surgery; Survival;

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