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The preferred site of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage(SICH) is the supatentorial
area, especially the basal ganglia. Large hematomas frequently spread into the ventricle,
and in the case of intraventricular hematomas, varying degrees of fresh blood are found
within the subarachnoid space. Cases in which SICH of the basal ganglia ruptures the
insular cortex and causes thick subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) in the basal cisterns,
are, however, rare.
The authors report a rare case of putaminal SICH wity intraventricular
hemorrhage(IVH) and SAH in the basal cisterns. This 58-year-old female was stuporous
on admission. Neurological examination revealed Glasgow coma scale score 7, left
hemiparesis, positive Babinski's sign and neck stiffness. Brain CT showed a large
intracerebral hematoma in the right basal ganglion and associated intraventricular
hematoma and SAH in the basal cistern. Cerebral angiography demonstrated a small
saccular aneurysm at the right M1. Right peritoneal and trans-sylvian approach revealed
thick SAH in the sylvian fissure and a small unruptured aneurysm at the early
bifurcation of the middle cerebral artery. The putaminal hematoma had ruptured into the
sylvian fissure through a natural opening at the insular cortex between M2 branches.
This case illustrates that hypertensive SICH should be included in the differential
diagnosis of basal cistern SAH associated with SICH.


Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage; Putaminal hemorrhage; Subarachnoid hemorrhage.;

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