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µÎ°³°­³» ½Å°æÀý±³Á¾ÀÇ °æÇè Experience of Intracranial Gangliogliomas

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Gangliogliomas are rare begin tumors of the central nervous system consisting of
neoplastic ganglion and low grade glial cells. The purpose of our investigation was to
evaluate the radiological. surgical, and pathological features and outcome of ten patients
with intacranial ganglioglioma who underwent surgery between June 1989 and December
1996. The mean follow-up period was about 24moths(range, 6-66 months) after their
initial operation. The series consisted of six males and four females. and their mean age
was 29.7 years. The mean length of symptoms was 9.1 years. Seizure was the most
common presenting symptom and occurred in eight of ten patients. MRI findings were
variable., and showed no characteristic patterns. The temporal lobe was most common
site of involvement(6/10). During surgery, a sharp demarcation between tumor and
normal brain tissue was seen in seven of ten cases. Five of ten cases were solid, and
the remaining cases were cystic in two, cystic with muralnodule in two, and soft,
suckable in one. Total resection was possible in seven of ten patients. Diagnosis was
established by identifying a mixture of abnormal astrocytic and neuronal components.
Two patents showed astroytic predominance ; four a neuronal predominance ; and four,
an equal admixture of cell types. All cases were benign Other histological findings
included change, desmoplasia, eosinopilic granular body, microcalcification, and
lymphocytic infiltration. At the time of writing. all seven patients who underwent total
resection were alive without recurrence ; of the three who underwent subtotal resection,
two alive and in a stable condition, alive without recurrence ; of the three who
underwent subtotal resection, two were alive and in a stable condition, while in the
other, the tumor had progressed within 12 months of surgery and adjuvant radiation
therapy had thus been required. The patients was though, still alive. in seven of eight
patients, the frequency of seizure had markedly decreased. Our study confirms that this
tumor is a distinct clinical and histological entity with a predilection for the temporal
lobe. Although the number of patients and follow-up period are limited. this study also
shows that epolepsy is extremely well controlled and that survival after surgical
resection is good.


Gangliogliomas; Seizure; MRI; Operative findings; Histopathology Surgery;

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